Subject: UPDATE! Wait a tick!
Posted on: 2009-04-08 12:55:00 UTC

I sent the author a polite PM with my secondary account- the one that does not share my name- suggesting that she take the Mary Sue litmus test and offering my help. She replied with "Hi. I took the thing you told me to and I got 164. Could you be as helpful as possible and help me come up with ideas for my future stories. I really think that you'd be really helpful and all.. BTW, do you like any of the stories I wrote so far?" and I sent her another PM containing some concrit. I'm waiting for a reply. What I'm saying here is that this person may be open to help. I think she just put the "no negative reviews" thing on because she's gotten some spam from a troll called EdwardlovesJacob, among others. So what do you think? Should we try to help her before PPCing her, or is she beyond help?

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