Subject: Girl in the Fireplace
Posted on: 2008-12-15 18:05:00 UTC

Reinette, a.k.a Madame de Pompadour, was featured in an early episode of season 2. Without getting into major details, the episode was written like a love story between her and the Doctor, though it doesn't work out in the end. I'm not exactly sure why she's described as icky; the actress who plays Reinette is ridiculously good-looking, and I found her a witting and interesting character. However, I've heard that certain 10/Rose fans bash her for getting in the way of their favorite ship--er, pairing, that is.

While I'm no fan of 10/Donna myself, I kind of resent that she just dismisses people who do. If someone writes a good 10/Donna fic, I'm willing to put up with it, even if it's not my cup of tea. It's rather difficult to get along in a fandom if you can't learn to agree to disagree.

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