Subject: Ditto
Posted on: 2008-12-15 02:00:00 UTC

I'm a Face of Boe girl myself. I figure, over millions and millions of years all sorts of things can happen. While Jack can't die, it doesn't mean that he can't physically change. Possibly it's an effect of the Time Vortex stuff. Perhaps as he gets older and older the Time Vortex starts to wear off, it starts doing weird things to his body... or else he becomes a giant head for the sake of life support or something. I know, I know, you'd think that by the time he needed life support Jack would be ready to die, but wasn't Boe on life support in Gridlock?

Oh God--it just occurred to me that if Jack doesn't die eventually, he'll probably end up as a Toclafane. Brrr.

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