Subject: More answers.
Posted on: 2008-11-30 03:09:00 UTC

For 1, I'm not sure. I guess you should wait for one of the veterans, they have more experience. I think it might be possible though, because I remember a new POTC OFU I saw on FFN.

For 2, I think mini-Grunts wouldn't actually be able to keep fanbrats off Canons, being small and squishable. Hunters or Juggernauts might be a better choice... Besides, there are going to be a lot of Generic Normal Grunts running around anyway. The whole Covenant army's probably going to show up.

For 3, yeah. That would be very, very bad. I do NOT want to see Gravemind under Sue influence, or superpowered Rakghouls.

For 4, the Flood seems like a very painful and fun way to kill someone. Just make sure to glass the area or chop up the corpse with an Energy Sword afterwards, because a Sue Form would probably be quite hard to kill normally. Taris death sounds quite fun, especially if it's recorded somehow to watch later. May I also suggest feeding one to Nihilus or throwing one in the Pit of Carkoon? Sarlacc is a bit slow though. You'd have to portal forward a few years to make sure the Sue is dead.

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