Subject: Re: More answers.
Posted on: 2008-12-01 00:09:00 UTC

2. But can Hunters throw blue "spider"s at said annoying fangirls? In any event, my vote's for Hunters.

3.Let alone mind warping, god-moding plague vectors or intelligences.

4. Flood might actually be a bad idea for Sues. If their blood is contagious, things could go downhill in a hurry. Better to simply reserve the Flood for dying bit characters. Carkoon and Nihlus seem to be Very Bad Ideas, if only because the Sue's life force might be dangerous in the hands of a xenocidal, power-mad loony. As for the Pit of Carkoon, do we really want a Sued Fett/Anonymous Victim or the Sue herself to escape through a plot hole.

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