Subject: Arg.
Posted on: 2008-12-01 08:38:00 UTC

Forgot about that thing with Nihilus, and the Sarlacc being escapable. Nihilus would probably be possessed by the Sue's soul if that happened... That, or he'd get some new Sue powers and eat the galaxy much faster. And I completely forgot about Fett getting out of Carkoon and mysteriously appearing plotholes. Flood for bits sounds like fun though.

Hopefully, these suggestions will be better. Tie a Sue to a UNSC NOVA-class bomb or dangle her over a MAC cannon barrel. That, or you could chuck her off the tallest point in High Charity. The really long fall should only be for the ones who can't fly by any means, though.

For Star Wars, maybe feed her to the very big fishes on Naboo, the Kamino sea life, or a random krakana? You could also stick one to the Death Star's laser. Summoning thousands of Hssiss with the Dead Jedi corpse in the Korriban tomb and watching a Sue get eaten by them is also fun. Jekk'Jekk Tarr poison gas is sadistic, evil and absolutely perfect. Just tell the Sue you're letting her go in front of the door, and that she should have a nice drink.

Oh, and mini-Rancor. Can I adopt Nihlus? I always wanted a Star Wars mini. By the way, mini-Hunters sounds like a pretty good idea.

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