Subject: I'm with Makari here
Posted on: 2008-08-08 08:05:00 UTC

It's bad, yeah, but bad in kind of an incompetent, boring sort of way. It's hard to reach a truly legendary level of awfulness in so few words. While the writing is abysmal, the real badness of the story is that there isn't really any story down there. That's why I said it's unsalvageable: fix the broken writing and you have a story that is, basically, "these two people find a kid in the woods, take him home, and put him to bed." It's a scene, not a story, and it's a lame scene at that. There just isn't enough of it to compete on the same level as the likes of Celebrian and Subjugation. It's a Mini-Cooper full of fail, or maybe just a roller skate, but the Legendary Badfics are tractor-trailers running overweight with full loads of fail.

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