Subject: A non-PG's thoughts.
Posted on: 2014-05-24 12:28:00 UTC

I'm a bit divided on this idea. Part of my reticence comes from my dissatisfaction with the mission system itself. It's far too easy for writers to get themselves stuck in the rut of "Go into badfic. Snark. Complain. Snark. Rage. Remove bad elements. Snark. Leave." Giving prospective Permissioners the option of jumping right into missions seems like a good way of just digging the rut deeper. The new Permission method that the Board came up with had seemed to me like a good and vaguely challenging way of broadening the kinds of stories that could be found in the PPC. Or rather it did until I read more and more posts of people cherry-picking their prompts and then complaining about the whole process.

There was also your saying that "It increases the number of missions being written (even if, inevitably, some of them are bad missions)." I'm not sure quantity over quality is something that works all that well for the PPC.

That being said, anything that helps further "a culture of both betaing... and concrit" is a major plus in my book. The bio method of presenting agents has always felt a bit silly to me; like you said, I'd rather be shown what I need to know about a character rather than told. And if a short story can tell me something about writer, then a full mission can tell me a lot more.

I suppose I'd tentatively support such a proposal. (Promising more betaing and concrit goes a long way with me, apparently.) Still, I'd like to see how well it plays out in practice before saying whether or not PerMissions should be an actual thing.


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