Subject: And here's how it works.
Posted on: 2014-03-07 22:18:00 UTC

This information comes from this article, and I've just tested it.

First key point, and one that's not mentioned in the article: capitals don't matter. F and f are equally valid numbers.

Second key point: if you have spaces, and don't surround your phrase with quotes ('single' or "double"), only the first word will be counted. Checking the source, Outhra didn't use quotes, so your color hex code was simply color; this is what "color hex code" looks like.

Third key point: the parser flat-out ignores any symbols in your sentence which aren't hexidecimal values. Since no-one's using digits, that means the only letters, punctuation, or spaces that count are abcdef. And, in fact, only a maximum of six of them.

The method for finding the colour value of a (more than six letter) phrase goes like this:

-Write down the string.
-Replace everything that isn't 0123456789abcdef - yes, replace the spaces too - with a 0. So "Huinesoron" becomes simply "0000e00000".
--That step is why a lot of names come out as fairly bold colours, and indeed identical ones: a lot of the used symbols will be 0s.
-Add 0s to the end of the string to the nearest multiple of three - in this case, "Huinesoron" was 10 letters, so I add 2 more to make "0000e0000000".
-Split the string into three equal parts: "0000 e000 0000".
-If the parts are over 8 letters each, trim each part from the left until they're exactly 8. This doesn't apply here, but 123456789 would become 23456789.
-If/once they're 8 or under, trim from the right until you have 2 letters per part. So in my case, that's "00 e0 00".
-That's a hex value, and will give the exact same colour as my name if you HTML it as [font color="#00e000"].

For comparison:


Of course, you can reverse this... if you wanted, for instance, to make a phrase come out in a nice medium grey - let's say #a0a0a0, you'd have the following options, where ~ indicates any letter, number, punctuation or space, = indicates anything except the valid hex values (though it can be 0), and (=) and (~) indicate any of those or nothing:

/a=a=a(=) - so "anamal" works.
/a=~a=~a(=)(~) - so "an ansa" works.
/a=a=a=(~)(~) - the final = has to exist, or else it would be a 9-item string. "all are anna" works, and is sort of a working sentence.
/a=~a=~a=~(~)(~) - so "amanda is awful" is our first valid sentence.

You can sort of see how this is going, can't you?

And just for giggles: other phrases that match me exactly (with quotes):

oliver twist
Ho, me shipmate

hS (which is two letters, and thus uses slightly different rules - but since neither is a hex value, is just black anyway)

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