Subject: Generic Reply Title! It's Called Well...!
Posted on: 2014-03-07 22:46:00 UTC

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Yes, someone shipped me with tea. And Nesh.
Also, awesome, I was already laughing when I read the title.
A few nitpicks, though: Orange Pekoe is a category of tea (the Western equivalent of the Chinese Mao Feng), which signifies that only the top two leaves of the plant and the bud between them were used in the preparation of the tea - id est, it's rather high quality. It follows that it cannot stand by itself - you can have Orange Pekoe Earl Grey, Orange Pekoe Lady Grey, Orange Pekoe Count Grey but not Orange Pekoe tea.
BTW... there's an anime character that uses Orange Pekoe as a nom de guerre. Unintentional hilarity +20%.

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