Subject: Rope vs. fabric...
Posted on: 2014-03-07 07:08:00 UTC

I'm torn between the two... You're right, fabric hurts a lot less. On the other hand, there are things that can be done on the rope that just look straight-up impossible - the Russian climb variation for rope, toe climb (I think that's what it's called?), and so on...

And yes. I continue to be amazed by classmates and other classes. They make it look like gravity is really just a suggestion.

A couple weeks ago, there were a couple little kids in the waiting area during my class. I was doing Catcher's Sequence -> Peter Pan -> Candlestick on the rope, and they were staring with wide eyes and open mouths. For a moment there, I felt like a real aerialist! And then I got to the big sit-up at the end of Candlestick and was quietly muttering profanities. But the point is that you are entirely capable of amazing people, regardless of how long you have or haven't studied.

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