Subject: Mine? Oh, this will be rich...
Posted on: 2015-06-02 20:35:00 UTC

I've never had a proper nickname. Never. Not in school, high school, college, nothing. And, since my circle of friends was so heavily restricted, I've never socialized with other enough to earn me any type of name.

For a long time, I was using a combination of my first and last name, which resulted in MacBud. Over the course of time, it started sounding stupid so I've decided to use the Joker (I still do, when at conventions).

And about the current one? Well Matt, or 'Matthias' is the closest English equivalent of my actual name - Maciej (pronounced Mat-yey). And Cipher is because of "Gravity Falls" and the character, Bill Cipher. I don't know why I've decided on this, I don't even particularly like Bill, the whole concept just seemed to work.

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