Subject: Chris looked at the arguing pair suspiciously.
Posted on: 2016-04-24 01:05:00 UTC

"Where do you think those two came from?" he asked. He had somehow managed to get a pouch of kibi-dango and traditional samurai-ish clothes, and jumped at the chance to dress up as Momotaro.

"Your guess is as good as mine," said Violet. Chris had convinced each of the other three to dress as one of Momotaro's animal companions. Violet, as the pheasant, had on entirely too much red face paint, a shimmery blue and purple dress with a long train, and a green collar. "I think they might be from an original canon; I've never seen a zombie with male pattern baldness and a wooden nose before."

"I still say you should've let me go as Bond," Miguel grumbled. He was wearing brown clothes, black nail polish, and a fake tail. "Seriously, did it just, like, never occur to you that a black guy dressing as a monkey might have weird racist undertones?"

Ami, under an illusion to look like the dog, frowned. "" she said. "I never had a reason to look up human societal mores, sorry."

"They're not pleasant. But hey, at least now I already have this year's Halloween costume in the bag." Miguel grinned.

The four moved farther into the room. "Hey, vending-machine guy!" Violet called. "Finch, right? Awesome job on that outfit. I think you just won the costume contest."

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