Subject: "You guys can call me David," the man said.
Posted on: 2016-04-28 01:17:00 UTC

He sipped from the glass Levy brought him and wiped his moustache with a napkin he took out of a pocket. "Anyway," he said. "So meanwhile, Mordekhai sits before the gate of the palace. One day he hears two of the king's servants plotting to kill him, so he has Esther tell Akhashverosh of that. The servants are hanged and the event is written down in the annals."
David looked around, chuckling at a Qunari agent in an uncomfortable-looking three-piece suit, before continuing. "Anyway, politics are politics and the king starts to favour one minister by the name of Haman, son of Hamdata. Soon he's made top dog in the hierarchy and has everybody bow to him. Now, everybody who sits before the gate of the palace does so, except for Mordekhai." A pause. "After this goes on for a while, Haman gets really pissed off and, learning that Mordekhai is a Jew, decides to Kill All Jews." He tugged at his goatee and looked at his audience.

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