Subject: Proposing a tweak to the method.
Posted on: 2015-12-17 15:34:00 UTC

Instead of just 'google hits', I suggest the following:

-It is at least five years old. (This could be cut down to 3, but I think 5 is better.)
-It gets a decent amount of Google hits from the past year. (example)

I think this will make sure that the stories that get in have actually attained legendary status, rather than just being a momentary fad, as it were. It's the difference between whatever meme was massively trending this time last year - and 'All your base are belong to us'. You need longevity.

If we had that (or something like that) in there, I would accept this as a good definition for a Legendary Badfic. As it is, I'm still on the fence.


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