Subject: That doesn't really describe C_l_br__n.
Posted on: 2015-12-17 09:44:00 UTC

Teh Bad Fic is so much more than 'squick for squick's sake' - the writer clearly had an actual story they wanted to tell. It has a complex plot, attempts to build a 'magic system', characters with actual motivations...

... which is all bent wildly out of shape in the service (har, har) of turning the daughter of Galadriel into... well... I can't even think of an analogy.

Remove the smut, and you have a story of torture, kidnapping, and Stockholm syndrome. Change the names around (because using Lady Celebrian goes directly against canon) and it could even work as a tolerable fanfic.

It would also be about ten pages long. Hey, there's a reason we call it a Legendary Badfic!


PS: I'm feeling more and more like my mission didn't really do Clbr__n justice. Hrm. :-/

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