Subject: Okey, let's see.
Posted on: 2015-12-17 15:29:00 UTC

That story appears to occupy every single one of the 500+ hits it gets. Which means it qualifies under the rules as currently set out.

It may be relevant that searching for hits in the past year only turns up 18, of which only 5 seem to be relevant. I don't know how Google determines a year, though.

Looking at the other two suggestions through the same lens, 'My Inner Life' occupies 8 of the top 20 'recent' hits, while 'Blood Raining Night' takes up all except two of the top 20.

Do we want a time-related requirement (such as 'must still be being talked about five or more years after it was created')? I think that would help assuage my own doubts about the process - it would mean that flash-in-the-pan stories wouldn't get in by being prominent right after being written.

brb, proposing that change in a new post.


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