Subject: That's a decent question.
Posted on: 2015-12-15 11:02:00 UTC

I think the thing to remember is that we're not trying to make an exhaustingive list of everything that meets the criteria. What this is about is dealing with the situation where newbie boarder Lacksidacksical bounces in and says 'I've just read this super awful badfic, and I think it should be Legendary! (And also I claim it for when I get Permission and I need sixteen cowriters!)' Previously, the response to that has always been, basically, 'I've never heard of it' (to which the reaction is 'well, I have').

Having a definition like this means that the Board can look at Lacksi's offering and say 'yeah... that doesn't produce a single Google hit related to it'. Or, alternately, when OlderThanThou pipes in with 'it can't possibly be legendary because I'd know it if it was', Lacksi can point at the Googling and so forth and say 'yah-huh it is too'.

Which is very rude and she'll get told off, but her point still stands. ^_~


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