Subject: ... maybe.
Posted on: 2018-03-14 10:30:00 UTC

I wasn't, but since you mentioned it, I've had a few ideas.

Most of them haven't panned out; I end up with two-or-three-line fragments, like these:

After Dear Theodosia: "Dear Huinesoron, what to say to you?"

After One Last Time: "Lady Zingenmir; you asked for shipping./I know you're busy.../Whatever you need, Zing."

After The Schuyler Sisters: "The canon shippings:/Aegimaz/Huinelyn/And Neshbosh!"

Luckily I then found one that got beyond a couple of lines, so I'll see whether it pans out the rest of the way.

In the meantime, here's the alphabetical list of how many times people have appeared in the Shipfest so far:

Badger 1
Calliope 4
Delta Juliette 2
Granz 4
Grundleplith 1
Huinesoron 5
Iximaz 2
Kaitlyn 7
Larfen 4
Leto 2
Maxewell 1
Neshomeh 5
Phobos 5
Scapegrace 3
Thoth 5
Tomash 3
Twistey 3
Voyd 1
Zingenmir 2

^_^ hS

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