Subject: The Seventh Castle
Posted on: 2018-03-16 04:23:00 UTC

Neshomeh had spent a long day in the archives. The shipfest was on, yeah, but, for the time being at least, she seemed to be out of its focus. As such, she was taking the opportunity to catch up on work. Like organizing the archives. And writing missions. And writing interludes that would be unpublishable until after the missions were published, when the missions wouldn’t be published until after she’d written them, which she hadn’t done, because she was too busy writing interludes.

Oh, and there was poetry and music writing mixed in as well. And all kinds of other work.

Eventually, all of this writing would get into the hands of her eager readers. And she was working furiously on it. It’s just that there was so much of it to work on all at once, and it seemed like everything took forever to get done.

But there were bright sides. It could be worse: at least she wasn’t like Thoth. That kid never seemed to even get started on anything of consequence.

Anyways, yes. She was making use of the downtime quite adequately. She’d even found another way to make more people think about Thoth (the agent) and Derik kissing passionately as they solemnly professed their love to one another. Nevermind how it was possible to confess love when your mouth was full of someone else’s tongue. There was enough impossible, unlikely, or just not-happening-in-this-timeline things happening in that scene that one more couldn’t hurt. This sort of thing was more Thoth’s game than hers, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. Besides, at least she didn’t tease the ship in the middle of other stories where it didn’t even make sense to do so.

The point was, she certainly wasn’t looking for any crazy shipfest shenanigans. As such, the Ironic Overpower would no doubt ensure shipfest shenanigans would come knocking.

There was a knock at the door. Apparently, the Ironic Overpower wasn’t feeling particularly subtle.

Neshomeh sighed, putting away her pen, and went to open it. “Who is-” She paused, gaping at the exceedingly large, exceedingly yellow figure before her.

“Greetings.” said the man, his voice oddly… flat? It was hard to say. “I Am Rogal Dorn.”

Nesh shook her head rapidly clear it. “The primarch… right. Come in, please.”

The giant entered the room, taking a seat upon the floor. “I Appreciate You Allowing Me To Enter Your Domicile, Mortal.”

“You’re… welcome?” The formal speech threw the boarder slightly off-kilter, although it was easy for her to decipher it. “So why are you here?”

“I Have Come To Participate In This Festival Of Ships. But I See No Ships. Only People.”

Nesh gave a small laugh. This was definitely TTS!Dorn. “Ah… wrong sort of ship… this is a festival for… relationships.” Having grown more comfortable, she took in her visitor more fully. His yellow robe did little to hide the strength of his enormous frame. His close-cut grey hair nicely emphasized the definition of his face. And his moustache… Well, it was a very sexy moustache. Very sexy. Nesh didn’t think Dorn was supposed to have a moustache, but if the moustache was going to be this sexy, she didn’t mind.

“I See. Would You Like To Partake In A Relationship With Me?” Dorn’s monotone made it hard to make out the question, but it was there.

“I’m sorry… what?” Nesh blinked. “Why?”

“This Is A Relationship Festival.” Dorn’s monotone become noticeably deeper, throatier, and sexier, while also remaining exactly the same. “And You Have Caused Me To Become Extremely Aroused.”

Nesh smiled, maneuvering herself onto Dorn’s lap. “Well… I suppose it could be enjoyable to have some fun with you…”

“I Agree That Copulation May Provide Mutual Pleasure.”

“Mmm…” Nesh moved her hand up Dorn’s body to caress his moustache. His sexy, sexy moustache. “And where do you think that we should start, Lord Dorn?”

“Please.” Dorn moved in and kissed the eager boarder, square on the lips. He spoke in a whispered monotone. “Call me… Adorable.”


You probably will not understand like 60% of this if you haven't seen Rogal Dorn on If The Emperor Had A Text-To-Speech Device. If you have, then you're probably already hearing all the dialogue in his voice. Don't lie. :-P

The only other thing I'm gonna say is that this was stupidly fun to write. Seriously, this might be the most fun I've had all 'fest. Just maybe.

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