Subject: The Kingdom of the Khan
Posted on: 2018-03-20 03:56:00 UTC

“What’s so funny?” The enormous man asked.

“Oh… it’s just that…” Geema stopped speaking to laugh a bit more, still bent double in mirth. “You look… so… stupid!”

The man nodded slowly, his absurdly ostentatious (and vaguely oriental) garb flashing in the light of HQ. “I don’t believe I look particularly silly. Although perhaps the topknot is a bit excessive.”

“Dude, it looks awful,” said Geema. “Seriously. And that warpaint… it’s amazing. Just… wow.” He sighed, trying to wipe the grin from his face before he burst out laughing again. “Anyways, who are you?”

“I am Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scars. And, in the interests of better understanding the culture your land, I have come to participate in your “shipfest.” Namely, by having sex with you.”

Geema blinked. “Well… that was… direct.”

The Khan smiled. “I like to do things quickly.”

“Well… why don’t you come in. And I hope you don’t like doing everything quickly…” Geema looked the Primarch up and down. Yes… despite the silliness of his outfit, he was rather attractive.

“Oh believe me,” said Khan, pressing an assertive hand on Geema’s shoulder, “I know well that there are some things best taken at a slower pace.”


Something quick for the fast Primarch. I figured it was appropriate.

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