Subject: :-/ Yeah.
Posted on: 2018-03-21 16:42:00 UTC

I admit my view is probably biased, because I've now read the original Horus Heresy trilogy twice, and they're very pro-Horus. But yeah, I am absolutely open to capping off the images with Facepalming Horus. ^^

So we only need seven more... you've got Scape, and didn't you say you had An Idea for Kaitlyn? Other than that, let me see... checking your cowrite with Thoth [which I never read! Well, it happens that I'm looking for a distraction right now, so up it comes!], it seems doctorlit at least recognised 40K when he sees it (he mentioned memes). Hieronymus doesn't specifically say that he doesn't recognise it, which sounds like Good Enough For Shipfic (also, he's been criminally left out of the Shipfest so far). And Hardric! He makes a 40K joke in his review!

See? That's five out of seven already. ^

(The reason I'm angling for my wife to get included in this is partly because Agent Kaitlyn's reaction would be brilliant to read about, but mostly because I've already got the first line of her epilogue written in my head. I would write it myself, but I don't have even the slightest grasp of any of the remaining Primarchs.)


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