Subject: Unhelpful review
Posted on: 2017-10-18 11:31:00 UTC

Those messages look familiar, although I don’t get to see this stuff often; I’m in software development, not in network administration.

I don’t get how Tomash knows that the first thing that showed as down is in aa03 or so. Having Tomash explicitly reading the beginning of the logs in the new version, rather than just reading the logs may have drawn my attention to this, because to me it implies that the messages at the beginning of the story, before the break between 06:16 and 06:20, are the beginning of the logs and something indicating "aa03" should be up there. (Below the break is apparently the end, but not all of the last few entries, which had come in around 6:19.) In the previous version, it was easier to assume that I can’t find "aa03" just because I don’t see everything Tomash reads.

Is aa03 or so meant to imply that Tomash actually misremembers what he read and the problems started in qa01aa04 (fourth line of the messages)? Am I overthinking this?

I like that the Makes-Things Memorial Blast Doors are still a thing, and that bugs get into the computational potatoes. Strange technology, very PPC.

Weirdly, the bugged potatoes or whoever got the "[insert number] similar messages elided" right four times, but then made a spelling mistake.


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