Subject: "Elves Aren't Supposed To Be Buff" (Agent hS meets Willis)
Posted on: 2019-03-15 12:22:00 UTC

"Excuse me, may I take this seat?"

Willis looked up to see a tall man (very tall, even compared to Willis himself) with black hair looming over him. "Er," he said, quite reasonably. He shook himself, looking down at the chair. "My g- my partner's sitting there," he said. "Sorry."

"It's no problem; I will stand." The tall man executed a slight bow, and his hair shifted to show off the leaflike tips of his ears. "I am Agent Huinesoron of DOGA, and I have a- what's that delightful phrase? Ah - a 'bone to pick' with you."

Willis scooted his chair back a little, eyes wide. "Is, is this a shipping thing?" he asked. "Because Twistey and I, we-"

"No, no," the elf - he was clearly an elf - assured him. "But then again... yes." Agent Huinesoron folded his arms and fixed Willis with a Look. "It has come to my attention that you have asserted that elves 'aren't supposed' to be buff."

"Er?!" Of all the things Willis had thought he might hear, that hadn't even been on the list. "But - I mean - you're not, right?" He looked up at Agent Huinesoron, who did indeed meet the usual profile of a slender, graceful elf. "You're not!"

"I am not," Agent Huinesoron agreed. "And personally, I agree with you that it's not a particularly good look for us." He smiled - not the kind of cruel grin Willis had been fearing, but a genuine fond smile at some memory. "I mean, if Legolas was all muscle-bound - can you imagine? Ew."

"Er?" Willis winced: he really needed to stop sounding like someone with the least interesting catchphrase in history. "Then what's the problem?"

"The problem is that my preferences don't really enter into it," Agent Huinesoron said. "We fought in a war, you know, against hordes of Orcs unnumberable by mortal Man. With yeni of training behind them, you'd best believe our warriors had more muscles than they knew what to do with."

Willis clamped down on another er, but that left him with nothing else to say. He stared at the elf, thinking frantically, but was saved by an arm snaking around him from behind, and a kiss planted on the top of his head.

"Hey, handsome," Twistey said, swinging down into her seat and smiling at Willis before shooting a glance at Agent Huinesoron. "You making new friends?"

"I'm not really sure." Willis reached across the table and took Twistey's hand, clinging to it like a lifeline. "I'm not sure what's going on."

The elf reached up to tug one of his braids and shrugged. "I've said what I needed to," he said, then winced slightly. "And, ah, I hope I didn't... intimidate you?"

"A little," Willis admitted, then had to smile at the sheer guilt that flickered across Agent Huinesoron's face. "But not much," he said. "I'm just a bit on edge."

"Aren't we all?" Twistey murmured, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "So you're leaving, then? Only we've got food on the way."

"Er," and Willis couldn't contain his chuckle as the elf used his apparent catchphrase, "yes. I'm sorry for... yes." With another slight bow, Agent Huinesoron turned and hurried away.

Twistey huffed a sigh of relief and turned her attention to Willis. "Well. What was that all about?"

Willis shook his head slowly. "Twistey, I don't think you'd believe me if I told you..."


(Actually I'm pretty sure Tolkien never said, but Agent Huinesoron demanded to be allowed to express himself, and you were already in HQ...)


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