Subject: Hey, we're trying as hard as we can!
Posted on: 2019-03-12 02:33:00 UTC

It's hardly all sunshine and roses over here. We've got plenty of domestic issues to deal with! And racism. Eurrgh. Trying to fix that. Civ IV made it look a lot easier than it is.

As for providing you with troops and the lot, I'm trying, I really am. But my co-leader is... uhmm... hang on a sec.

No, Granz, we can't just send Germany a "mountain of teddy bears." I need troops!

--But I feel bad for killing the soldiers!

They're not even real soldiers, they're just computer simulations.

--I know, but I feel bad for the computer simulations!

Well, how would teddy bears help?

--...Maybe Twistey's heart will be warmed by the teddy bears so much that she surrenders and then we have a giant international snuggle pile?

I guess it's worth a shot, since you won't agree to anything else.

--Hey, I'm not totally crazy! The teddy bears are also grenades!

...Go on...

--Totally harmless grenades! They push stuff towards them, push it away, or vaporize non-living materials. But always harmlessly!

...Bloody hell. You do realize there's a war on, right?

--Hey, at least a lot of their soldiers will be spontaneously naked.

So do you always have your mind in the gutter, or only when you're endorsing pacifism?

--Not always! But I'm pretty sure I know how to convince you.

And how's that?


...I don't like that grin. See, the worst thing is, you're not even entirely wrong.

Nesh, the time on the SIGSALY is running out. Sorry, I'll have to go before the line dies or we go insecure. In any case, hopefully that gives you some idea of what I'm dealing with here.


((Yes, I wanted to join in. Seeing as I don't have an official couple, Granz has agreed to end up shipped with me for this, and also co-wrote the bit. The nakedness gag and the grenades bit were all him. So it's not all my fault.))

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