Subject: [Commencing conference call] (spinoff)
Posted on: 2019-03-12 00:06:00 UTC

[Ring ring... Ring ring... Click]

Phobos: Twistey, if that's you calling to surrender-

Huinesoron: It's me.

P: Oh! What a nice surprise. And how is France today?

H: ...

P: hS? Is there a problem?

H: Is there a PROBLEM? You sank my navy!

P: Oh, yes, that-

H: We're supposed to be ALLIED and you sank my SHIPS!

P: Well, we couldn't risk Twistey getting hold of them. It actually happened in real history, you know, so-

H: Only after France SURRENDERED. We hadn't stopped fi- no, we hadn't even STARTED fighting yet!

P: Better safe than sorry, what?

H: What?!

Neshomeh [calling across the room]: Tell him to have a cup of tea.

P: Nesh says you should-

H: I heard. You don't want to KNOW what Kaitlyn says.

P: No sense crying over spilt milk, though, right?

N [calling across]: You spilt the milk?! But, but the tea--!

P: I'm sure we can all move past this-

H: You think you can just brush this off? Those ships could have turned the tide of-

P: Well, needs must, old chap. Was that all? Ta-ta then! [Click]

H: ...

H: I wonder if Twistey's interested in an alliance?

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