Subject: Thanks, but...
Posted on: 2019-03-17 15:33:00 UTC

It kinda takes away from the apology if you try to make it about acknowledging how hard it is for you and moving on right away so you feel better. An apology is not for you, it's to show the other person(s) you actually care about their feelings. The other party is the one who gets to decide whether or not to "be sad anymore."

Personally, I never was "sad," and I'm not boycotting the Shipfest; I just didn't have that much investment in it to begin with. Also, so far I've assumed you're about thirteen at most, so I am patiently waiting for the day you have enough life experience and corrections under your belt to truly understand why this fixation you have on WWII stuff makes us uncomfortable and drop it. You are learning, so I'm sure you'll get there, and we will continue to help by giving said corrections as needed.


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