Subject: I mean...
Posted on: 2018-11-20 13:38:00 UTC

It's not... good. It can be entertaining, and it's not badly written, but it's not very good, to my mind. I also just had a hard time enjoying a lot of it, even as a kid. Too... mean, I guess? The tone's off.

There's also the fact that it is explicitly designed as indoctrination material for the Eliezer Yudkowsky's cult. That part just turned me off it. Yes, some of his ideas are right and he explains them well (usually his explanations of common fallacies), but the usual quote that shows up at this point is that the good parts aren't original and the original parts aren't good. Yudkowsky likes to act like he's an academic, but don't be fooled: he never finished highschool, he's almost never been published outside his own blogs and organizations, and he has a lot of wrong, unscientific ideas that he tends to mix with fact (see his ideas about quantum physics), ans is in fact derisive of actual scientists in many cases. His ideas about transhumanism and AI are... questionable (especially AI, seeing as he believes computers with consciousness are coming Real Soon Now™ despite a total lack of proof).

And normally I wouldn't bring the author into it: Orson Scott Card is an awful person in my opinion, but Ender's Game is still brilliant. However, HPMoR is expressly designed to spread the ideas I find suspect. And the protagonist is an insufferable Mary Sue, too, almost by definition.

So in short, you can read it, and might even find it enjoyable. Just be careful not to buy too deeply into what it's selling.

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