Subject: Practical Experiments (PG-13, Peregrin/Ori)
Posted on: 2018-09-19 09:35:00 UTC

Peregrin was dozing off in the warmth of the Courtyard under a summer-like "sun", at least until a large dragon-shaped shadow passed over his head. Said shadow was, in fact, cast by a dragon, whose shimmering bulk was about to pass over Peregrin.

"Ori!" Peregrin shouted. "Do you have a moment?"

"I might, depending on what you want it for." she replied, gliding lower.

"I was hoping you would have time to assist me with certain experiments."

Ori dived down, coming in for a landing near Peregrin, who was sitting up. "I take it you are referring your quest to, ah, explore, every type of life in the multiverse."

"Yes." Peregrin replied. "Have you reconsidered my earlier request? I have, after all, never been with a Gaemmara, and I believe it would be a very enlightening experience."

"I still do not see how we would accomplish that, given our rather different proportions." Ori said, waving a wing for emphasis.

"I have been considering this." Peregrin said. "You have the power to shapeshift, and, from what you have told me, it can be applied to others. Could you, perhaps, increase my size - or simply increase the size of the relevant body part - so that we could both have a satisfying carnal experience."

"'Carnal', now there's a word I have not heard in quite some time." Ori said, laughing. "Can you even do that sort of thing at your age?"

"We Thousanders have techniques," Peregrin said, "that extend our sexual viability specifically to resolve this problem. After all, it would not be much of an extended life if we could not enjoy ourselves."

"Ah." Ori replied with a low purr. "Then I suppose I could use some ... more intelligent company. Luxury is a rather poor conversationalist, despite her extensive skills."

"Luxury, Luxury, ... she wrote the rather comprehensive reference text, yes?"

Ori nodded.

"Now, before we engage in our practical experiments, would the enlargement process be reversible?" Peregrin asked. "I would rather not specialize in dragon-sized partners just yet."

"Of course. There are canonically absolutely no side-effects to Viviomancy."

"So ..." Peregrin asked, "how do you want to go about this?"

"I think the easiest way would be to make you approximately my size. Then we could," she licked her snout, "... enjoy each other."

"I agree." Peregrin said. "Especially as this plan relies on magic, which means the square-cube law can be ignored for narrative convenience."

"It is also fortunate that Gaemmara have mammal-like anatomy in that respect for no clear reason." Ori added.

"Yes, yes." Peregrin said.

"Now, I think it would be best for us to begin without delay lest someone enter the Courtyard at an inopportune moment."

"Of course." Ori said, rolling on to her side. "May I enlarge you?"

Peregrin moved his things off into the distance where they wouldn't get in the way. These things included his robe, since he didn't want to damage it during all this, especially since he wouldn't be needing it. He laid down near, but not too close to, Ori. "I am ready."

Ori said a few words in pseudo-Latin, and Peregrin suddenly became a whole lot bigger. Since he'd cleared the area beforehand, this didn't cause any damage, and he was far enough from Ori that he didn't run in to her. He slowly lifted an arm. "This will take some getting used to." he remarked.

"It does, yes." Ori said. "Take some time to adjust, and then we can explore your new form thoroughly."

Peregrin spent a few minutes moving various body parts around and turning around the grass. Then, he said, "I think I am ready."

"Good." She scooted over to Peregrin and embraced him. The pair of complete nerds then cuddled, kissed, cuddled some more, and eventually had a very good time, the details of which are being glossed over because the author doesn't feel like writing that sort of thing.

"Peregrin, that was wonderful" Ori said, yawning, after the main part of the experiment had concluded.

"It absolutely was." Peregrin said. "My thanks, Ori."

"We should do this more often."

"Yes. More data will be helpful. Especially with such an intelligent and exciting partner to collect it from."

"Oh, you."

"Was my assessment of you incorrect?"

"Not at all." Ori said. "But it was nice to hear it."

"You are welcome, then." Peregrin replied. "Now, as wondrous as this all was, I would like to be my usual size again."

"Very well." A bit more pseudo-Latin followed, and Peregrin was back to normal, though, as expected, minus clothes.

"Maybe next time I should shrink down." Ori said after the change went through. "I have never been human-sized in this form, and it could be an intriguing perspective."

"Hm, yes, that could be, though it might fundamentally be the same coupling as we just had."

"True. Maybe I could go human. It has been much too long since I have used that form for those purposes."

"We could see if your usual shape affects how you operate!"

"Good idea!" Ori exclaimed. "Not today, though. Maybe next week?"

"Time is inconsistent enough here that 'next week' is almost meaningless." Peregrin said. "How about the next time we meet here?"

"Sure." Ori said. "It's a date."

"Well, no, maybe, somewhat, I suppose it could be, yes."

"Great. See you then!" With a running leap Ori took off and soared into the far reaches of the Courtyard, while Peregrin yawned and dozed off on the grass. It was, after all, a warm, "sunny" day in the Courtyard, and he might as well take advantage of it.

(( Hi everyone. Meet badfic!shipverse!Peregrin and someone vaguely resembling Assistant Librarian Ori. ))

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