Subject: ((More response later, but the PPC OFU...))
Posted on: 2018-09-04 17:32:00 UTC

((...seems to be going ahead, at least on my part. I can't promise it'll have exactly the same flavor, since it's been a year, I don't remember much of anything I had planned, and so on, but I kind of grabbed a couple of things from the discussion in the thread and...well, I think it's happening. Might not show up right away, or even today, but there's a good half a page or so of one scene, a couple lines for another in the same chapter, and an idea for an 'interlude' chapter at some point.

EPL, do feel free to jump in/let me know if you want to jump in...I'm not sure you've made an appearance in the games yet this year? Anyway. I'm continuing with a chapter for now, since I found the inspiration+time combination I ended up lacking for it last year, but if you also still want to keep going, you're more than welcome! :)


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