Subject: Ah, grasshopper, you have much still to learn.
Posted on: 2018-09-08 03:28:00 UTC

Love is a grand, life-changing thing, but it doesn't magically make everything perfect! We're dealing with one guy who isn't supposed to be having any of the feelings he's having and is pretty nervous about the implications, and another guy who's just bi enough to swing over the fence but still typically more attracted to women and, as we'll see in Part 3, is a bit skittish about all the technological augmentations on his friend's body. They've still got some work to do. But bear with it, and you, like them, will be well rewarded.

Don't worry, there's making out next chapter, too, you horndogs. ;3


(( Glad you're enjoying it so far! ^_^

~Neshomeh ))

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