Subject: Oh good, someone gets it.
Posted on: 2018-09-08 23:54:00 UTC

Good to know my effort is not totally wasted here. <3


(( I... actually can't tell if you're playing a character or just posting your real thoughts under a different name. ^_^; What's true and what isn't? And, which description of the eyes? Why was it funny?

(( And BTW, since I forgot to explain for anyone who doesn't know: Lemony Eggnog is a character, but they share many of my opinions for the sake of presenting fic that is a legitimate attempt on my part to write good slash that will simply never happen in canon due to one or two small barriers. The idea is that, if things were nudged just a little bit, this is what the ship would really be like. {= )

~Neshomeh ))

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