Subject: Rest assured I'm reading! ;)
Posted on: 2019-10-11 17:18:00 UTC

I have no context for the 'Lan'/A.G. message, but the reaction to it (and Selene briefly questioning Kaitlyn's memory even more) was funny.

And I'm not sure how I'd have taken to being an anything of 'carry witchets' either. XD

Songfic is definitely a classic! Can't recall offhand any incidents where quoting a whole song ever goes well, oddly enough. Usually it's just a few lyrics, to show a character having fun.

Aaaand there's the shoe dropping. Oh, Kaitlyn... ;;

Very nice mood swap once they talk things out, though! Gotta embarrass the Agent with a Lust Object, after all~

And it turns out 'a character having fun' is basically what happens in the end, so go me!

Thank you for writing, and for the backstage-context. :)

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