Subject: Thanks!
Posted on: 2019-10-14 17:29:28 UTC

I do feel a bit bad for not using Isildor more... hopefully Zaz (whoever Zaz may be) has some nice raw bacon for him when he gets home.

I actually found a claim somewhere (I think it was in one of the DIO missions) that most Suvians the PPC encounters are just what you're describing - natural ineptness given flesh. (Of course, the DIO Only Gets Factory Suvians, because they're So Special... [eyeroll]) I like to be gentle with that kind, even if I do wind up killing them to death.

I'm glad you liked hearing more about Kaitlyn's past - there's more of that to come, so Watch This Space.

(And as for the Key - same! I've never managed to adjust my mental image to include it, so I'm always missing it out!)


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