Subject: Seems to fit!
Posted on: 2019-07-11 18:08:00 UTC

I wonder if the mountains are actually much good for farming, considering nobody really lives up there; almost all the real cities are along the coast with just a couple in the interior. Still, there's clearly plenty of vegetation up there, and no shortage of moisture on the west side in the hot/wet season, so maybe it just takes a little tweaking to get the soil to support food crops. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about, just guessing.

North residential area = American Quarter, south residential area = French Quarter?

Re. sci-fi skyscrapers: I really really don't like the idea anything taller than four storeys in this place. ^_^; However—what if they built down, not up? There's plenty of room under the mountain, it's less conspicuous, and upside-down buildings are cool. Plus, they could use or sell whatever resources they pulled out of the earth in the process of carving the space. (There was a recent thread that discussed a function of the Finance Department being to disguise the PPC's hand in trade deals, IIRC. They DO need accountants with special skills!)

So, you get to keep your Complex, I get to keep my more rustic aesthetic? Notwithstanding a terribly sci-fi clock, an actual fricking spaceship port that looks like a modern-art sculpture garden, and very exotic building/decorative materials here and there throughout, of course!


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