Subject: I've been poking at the geography.
Posted on: 2019-07-10 11:35:00 UTC

Your map is looking excellent, by the way, even though I have just cluttered it up with camera icons...

Did you know that there is actually a named peak in the city area? Pic Poya is on the border of the south residential zone, and has an official marker on top of it. Presumably, hikers occasionally come up to look at it, which leads to the PPCers scrambling to cover up their presence. (There are a few other markers in the area; I'm working on them now.)

I've also found two sets of photos of the area. One dates from 1967, and shows the old mines; the Hunger Games Arena is featured a few times. The other set, from about 2011, is from someone named Lillian who walked right through the middle of the city. She's provided several shots of the area itself, which she characterises as a sinkhole. She's also given some some utterly gorgeous views of the surronding area, of which this is by far the best:

Quite how the Flowers managed to hide the entire city from her as she walked through, I have no idea. Possibly they pilfered some tech from Wakanda.

I've also stuck pins in a few of the local mountains. Of note is Mont Boulinda (not the same as the much larger Boulinda to its north), which is 1137 meters tall. I mean... I'm pretty sure some Star Wars agent has added a 1m cairn to that by now.


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