Subject: Block size and street names
Posted on: 2019-07-08 21:41:00 UTC

I might change the arrangement of the streets a little. A little research led me to the conclusion that 100x100 m would be a reasonable block size, so the major roads (thicker lines) are arranged at about that distance, with alleys/minor roads in between... but I reckon if it has a name it ought to be a major road, right? And I think there's room enough.

... But either way, yeah, I goofed on Tour Prend Pion. And I dunno how big the average building front is. Is 5 m usual?

I just guessed where to put half the streets. It's all subject to change, and I'm happy to fix anything that needs fixing! What if we make Rue Imbolc parallel to Rue Fleurs instead of Rue Jay—the street that's currently a question mark, perhaps?

If we move 1-Nou-1 as indicated while we're at it, I think everything would really fall into place very well, but that's only if you don't mind.


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