Subject: Phew! I was really worried there.
Posted on: 2019-07-09 15:11:00 UTC

Since I've not said it yet, I don't mind you moving 1-Nou-1 - I just picked the first doorstep-looking thing I could find. And since the streets on that map were never put on the Wiki, and I've never named them elsewhere, you're safe to move them around at will. (Which isn't to say this won't lead to Nyx commenting on how it feels like everything's shifted recently; meta-PPC and all.)

I think the TARDIS stockpiles have been superceded; Iximaz had Rina find 'hundreds' in an in-HQ stockpile back in "Little Miss Mary", so the idea that they'd need silos out in the city is unnecessary. Perhaps they were temporary structures, more designed for people to land their borrowed TARDISes back in than for permanent use.


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