Subject: Continuity: Keys (part 2)
Posted on: 2019-07-24 14:39:00 UTC

"I knew you had it in you." Morgan raised her bottle in salute, tipped it back and downed it. "Bon voyage!"

"Xa- Reader." The Aviator bit her lip and stepped forward. "I could... do you want me to come along?"

"I..." The Reader's gaze darted from her TARDIS to the Doctor to the key in her hand, never quite lighting on her fellow Council member. "Thank you for the offer, but I don't think you-" She winced. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Ah." The Aviator's shoulders slumped, but she managed a superficially bright smile. "Well, good luck; have fun storming the castle!" She turned to Morgan, her white scarf swirling about her. "Did you say drink?"

"I always say drink," Morgan confirmed, cracking open another bottle and passing it to the Aviator. "I'm a walking cliche." She glanced up at the Reader and gave a little wave. "I don't want to sound like I'm nagging, but the longer you stay here, the more likely he is to start poking at things he shouldn't."

"Hey!" The Doctor glanced at the readout on his sonic screwdriver, then quickly stuffed it back into his pocket. "As if I'd do something like that."

The Reader rolled her eyes and took him by the shoulder. "You know I'm just going to delete whatever you've just recorded, right? Come on, back to the timeline with you..."

Morgan and the Aviator watched her go, waiting until the thrumm of her TARDIS had faded. Then Morgan shrugged off her ornate collar and set it down on the table. "All things considered, what say we declare this meeting closed and head down to Rudi's for another--?"

The door slammed back open, and the Notary stormed in like the wrath of spellcheck. "Did one of you do this?" she demanded, knocking Morgan's collar aside to drop her paperwork on the table. "Because it is not even slightly amusing."

"Hey!" Morgan ducked down and picked up her collar, checking the points for damage. "These things are... well, I guess they're not expensive, replicators being what they are, but-"

"Tigereye Castellan Morgan," the Notary chided, "someone has been meddling with my papers and you're worried about fashion accessories?"

"I'm sure that sounded much more scathing in your head." Morgan grabbed one of the sheets of paper and flipped it round. "Stupid questions, meaningless trivia, circles everywhere... this looks pretty much like normal."

The Notary somehow gave off the impression of scoffing without actually deigning to do so. "And if that were actual Circular Gallifreyan, you might be forgiven for thinking so. But-"

"But it is." The Aviator looked up from her own sheet, her face ashen. "This is... this is how we wrote it back on- on my Gallifrey." She bit her lip, looked at Morgan. "This is Xan's handwriting. And... and it says 'help'."

"Oh." A dozen emotions flashed across Morgan's face, and then she put her current drink down with a click and tapped a hand to her ear. "Pink? Blue? I need you to come in." She waited a few seconds, then tried again. "Blue? Pi- Purple?"

There was a quiet buzzing sound, and then the Disentangler's voice came through, tinny and filled with static. "We're, ah, busy right now, Orange."

"Is that Morgan?" the Agent's voice asked in the background. "Tell her we're busy."

"I did tell her we're busy," the Disentangler said, her voice growing fainter. "You just heard me [crackle] busy."

"Yeah," the Agent shot back, barely audible, "but I [crackle] really liste[crackle]..."

"Damn," Morgan said, tapping at her ear again. "Red? Are you there?"

"Welcome to the Department of Floaters Special Operations Division hotline," a digitally-tinged female voice came back. "We are very, very pleased to take your call. We are throwing a party in honour of your call. After the tone, please assume the party escort submission position and-"

"Okay, this is in seriously bad taste." Morgan slapped her communicator off and looked at the other two Time Lords. "It looks like we're on our own. Who's got a TARDIS?"

The Notary looked up from her attempt to salvage her papers. "I can-"

"We're not taking the photocopier," Morgan interrupted. "No offence, Grey."

"That is actually quite-"

"What about you, White?" Morgan turned to the Aviator. "Or has yours been confiscated again?"

The Aviator grimaced. "It's a bit of a mess right now... Ellie, you know..."

"Oh, fine, we'll take mine." Morgan picked up her collar, snatched another bottle from the minibar. "I warn you, she's not going to like me waking her up."

"I'm sure Dee would-" the Aviator began, but Morgan waved her into silence.

"No, no, I've made up my mind now." She started for the door, readjusting her trajectory on realising that she was likely to miss. "Come on, she's parked in the Courtyard... says she enjoys the sun, daft old thing..."

[Notes for the further story: Morgan's TARDIS is probably a Type 40 or something close to it. It's old and somewhat crochety, but doesn't talk to anyone except Morgan (mentally). I have no idea what the Reader's gotten herself into, but it clearly involves some timey-wimeyness.]


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