Subject: Continuity: Keys (part 3)
Posted on: 2019-07-24 15:12:00 UTC

“Why the hell is she coming along?” the Aviator demanded as she fell into step beside Morgan.

“‘She’ is coming along to make sure your antics don’t land the continuum in even more trouble,” the Notary said haughtily. “Especially after Yellow had to go and make a mess of things.”

The Aviator whirled on her. “You leave her out of this!”

“Why? She’s the whole reason we’re even going—”

“If you two are going to bicker like children the whole time, I’ll rescue her myself,” Morgan said testily, and unscrewed the lid of the bottle she’d snatched from the minibar.

The Aviator fell silent, fists clenching at her sides. The Notary simply smiled and folded her hands serenely in her robe sleeves.

Morgan’s TARDIS was right where she’d left it, and she opened the doors, stepping up to the control panels.

“Hey, old girl,” the Aviator said, putting a hand against the wall. “Look at you, aren’t you lovely—”

The TARDIS grumbled and did the mental equivalent of slamming a door in her face.

“She’s a bit grumpy,” Morgan said, flicking several switches. “And unsociable. You’re welcome to try flying her with me, bur you won’t get as good a performance.”

“Take the lead, Orange,” the Aviator said.

“I don’t know why you insist on talking to these things like they’re people,” the Notary said, sitting down in the pilot’s seat and crossing one leg over the other. “Then again, perhaps it’s a human thing.”

“She’s on the Council, Grey, she’s as good a Time Lord as the rest of us,” Morgan said. She pulled a lever, and the grinding of engines resounded as she initiated dematerialisation. “Alright, White, when are we headed?”

“Earth. London Soho, 2023,” the Aviator said, pulling the now-crumpled paper from her pocket. “She just wrote one thing: Watch the mirrors.”

“How ominous,” the Notary drawled. “Would it have killed her to be a little more clear on this matter?”

The Aviator scowled at her. “She’s probably just trying to prevent a paradox, Grey—”

“And you’d know all about those.”

“—and I know she’s got her reasons for doing it!” the Aviator continued, raising her voice.

“I will turn this TARDIS around and kick both of you out if you don’t shut it!” Morgan snapped.

She’d barely finished speaking when the TARDIS landed with a gentle thump, and the Aviator sprinted to the doors to throw them open before Morgan could follow through on her threat.

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