Subject: I liked part 6!
Posted on: 2019-08-01 09:06:00 UTC

Just found myself juggling a few too many things, so responding fell through the cracks. Sorry about that.

At this point, I no longer remember half of what I wanted to say, but: it does move a touch faster than I'd been thinking, though that isn't implausible, so I don't really mind. Besides, it's getting interesting!

Also: Sarah Jane! :D Fantastic. I'm so glad she's joined the party.

I do like what you've written, and while I expect we could all tweak bits of plot and characterization if this gets a final edit during the inevitable combination of all the parts into a GDoc or whatever else, I don't see any reason to completely redact any of the parts. Part 5 was very fun, too, for the record.


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