Subject: new Flaming Broomsticks folks!
Posted on: 2020-07-05 10:28:37 UTC

Wow! Uh. Hi. I think it's been like a year since I've posted on the Board? Folks, theres a lotta backstory here. I, er, wasn't supposed to not post here so long. Let's summise it with just, you know, IRL will do that, and all.

I've had this damn story written for maybe over a year by this point. It feels like I've been holding onto it for centuries. I haven't wanted to release it in part from the IRL stuff and the 'not having posted on the Board for ages' thing (it feels a little rude to just sort of appear outta nowhere and drop a story, you know?), and also because it's maybe the least PPC-feeling thing in the entire Flaming Broomsticks series, which already diverged uncomfortably away from the PPC (as I saw it.)

By this point I just want the thing out! It's hanging in me like a clump of gross cat hair!

Hence, here it is: The Angsty Story! That's right folks, they're finally getting serious. I'm finally writing angst.

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