Subject: This is one of the best pieces of PPC writing out there.
Posted on: 2020-07-08 23:13:22 UTC

From one of the PPC's very best ever writers.

I disagree with the Bingle-ideo-constructo-oojamaflip's assessment of Shift Twentieth as shallow comic relief, though; they're wonderful to be around and their lives feel lived rather than told. I wonder how much of that is your own negative thoughts about your writing ability seeping into the page. That's literally the only bone of contention I have with the story, though. Indrid was a wonderfully hateable doctor, Anne and Ninetwo are fascinating, Bingle and Finch are always a delight beyond words. And you write comedy so, so well. There were too many excellent jokes and turns of phrase to count, but everything involving the stockbrokers (especially Twentieth Dimensional Krav Maga) was just superb.

Shift Twentieth continues to be my favourite PPC spinoff of them all, including my own. When it comes to the PPC, you Get It, and you Get It in the most amazing way. I can't wait for the next one and I'm so glad you're continuing to write them.

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