Subject: I hereby accuse Larf of withholding amazing writing from us for 1 year!
Posted on: 2020-07-06 15:19:35 UTC

Here is my evidence:

  • Exhibit A: Larf openly admits that he held on to this story for 1 year, despite repeatedly being told to release it.
  • Exhibit B: The characterization in this story truly is amazing. Larf's capability to convey what all of his characters are about, even those who only appear once like Doctor Indrid, through actions and dialogue alone, even to someone who hasn't read any other Flaming Broomsticks stories, is unparalleled anywhere in the PPC. The characters themselves are all strong caricatures, but in the Ace Attorney way rather than the "Lazy Writer" way: They have depth, they aren't stock characters, and Larf clearly put a lot of effort into creating them and fleshing out their thoughts, yet a single conversation with them instantly reveals in general what they are about.
  • Exhibit C: The character development in this story is also amazing. It was heartwarming to see Shift Twentieth grow closer together, to hear even someone as grumpy as Finch try to help Ninetwo. I can't wait to see their character dynamics in the future.
  • Exhibit D: The humor is truly spectacular. I am immune to all forms of PPC humor, sadly, but even I could tell that the jokes are well-made and land well when reading this. The meta-joke about the angst-mites was funny and fit well into the context of the PPC.
  • Exhibit E: Finally, Larf's excuse for withholding this story doesn't hold up. Although it is a different type of story than one normally writes in the PPC universe, Larf is a different type of person than the rest of us. Varied voices are required to truly flesh out a collaborative setting like the PPC, and all of us contribute something important. As mentioned before, the angst-mites are a concept that fit well into the setting of the PPC and succeed in delivering an effective meta-joke about the setting.

In conclusion, it is abundantly clear that Larf has not only withheld good writing from us that could have helped the setting, but failed to provide a proper excuse to do so. There is simply no way that this can go unpunished. It is untenable. It sets bad precedent. If we let this go, soon everyone will be keeping perfectly good missions, interludes, and RP logs to themselves! Nothing will ever be published in the PPC again! Larf must be swiftly and harshly punished to show future writers what happens when you withhold good writing from a writing group.

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