Subject: Thanks for catching the "Making."
Posted on: 2020-08-03 19:45:56 UTC

I've never heard of interrobangs requiring a certain order. I usually pick the order case by case, depending on what emotion I'm conveying. In this story, Stone was asking a question in the form of an angry complaint, so I put the exclamation point first. If I were putting the question mark first, it would be to invoke more of a horrified gasp:

She put her hands over her mouth, eyes wide. "Why would you . . ." Hearing how muffled her voice was, she removed her hands and continued, "How could you do something like this?!"

Or maybe more of a startled or panicked feeling?

Hearing no answer, he turned to glare at her. But she was gone.

He stared for a moment. "Where did you go?" He dropped his tools and scrambled to his feet, rushing out the door. "Where did she go?!"

But that's just me.


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