Subject: Sure, why not; I'll join in this year.
Posted on: 2021-03-01 21:32:26 UTC

I'm a 27 y/o, cis-man. Bisexual although leaning more hetero-romantic. In terms of looks, I'd describe myself as "the Fat Bastard from Austin Powers without the mutton chops", but if you need some more details - Green eyes hidden behind large glasses, dark blonde hair very often floofed up and scraggly beard. 1.75 m tall (5'8"-ish) and 330 lbs/23 stones. Usually wearing hoodies and jeans, or tracksuit pants to keep that Slav stereotype.

Not sure if I have anything I don't want to be included. GO nuts, I can handle pretty much everything. Not sure who in their right mind would find a ship for me, but eh - yolo.

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