Subject: Quantum sandwich-cube Larf?
Posted on: 2021-03-02 14:28:39 UTC

Headcanon accepted. I think. I can't quite picture it, unfortunately, but the idea? Sure!

This is what happens when you stop paying attention grumble grumble sandwiches becoming cubes what's next polar bears becoming rabbits I ask you

I don't know if you remember, but a few years ago I started a shipfic version of Tam Lin with Alleb as Tam Lin, and...Granz, I believe, as Janet, and you as the Sandwich King (in place of a Fairy Queen). I have no real purpose for mentioning it, especially since Alleb doesn't seem to be around right now, but...the mental image? Yup. The mental image. That's the point. I think. I'm a little tired and on a break I need to leave shortly, so that's about all I've got right now.


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