Subject: Cal Opts In
Posted on: 2021-03-08 02:16:49 UTC

Hello, am Cal, opting in

personhood is Vague at this moment and thinking about my appearance is hugely dissociative so

have fun thinking about how I look

feel free to either reference the actual photographs of me I've given to the Discord, either to get it as right as possible or as wrong as possible, or to just... use energy

whatever you want


(edit from Cal Proper: I use they/them pronouns, I'd prefer to be stuck in obviously comical ships (cargo ships seem to be a trend and I'm pretty Here For It), and much like Moons down below, I'd prefer we not be shipped together, for the same reasons.

If you need ideas, I'm all about yarn - they didn't nickname me the Yarn Goddex for no reason - and currently appear as the Pied Piper of Dragons. Dragon-riding yarn deity descending from on high to get into mortal shenanigans? Deity stuck in human form, by will or by force, naturally gravitating towards their own domains and possibly getting seduced by cute craft store employees? Just a random person with enough yarn to trip over one's own shopping bags? Who knows! Not me! And I have certainly never done that before.)

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