Subject: Okay so we need a good [BEEP!], that's key.
Posted on: 2021-03-14 23:02:47 UTC

Something that's suitably annoying but not so high-pitched it's painful.

Also a title theme, possibly something upbeat and jazzy like "Tank!" from Cowboy Bebop, which is in at least two PPC playlists. A quick search in the Free Music Archive turns up "Top Secret Observation (ID 1513)" by Lobo Loco, which is a little bit Torchwood, but I'm not sure I'm into the jazz organ... though we could claim it's a nod to Monty Python, I suppose...

Maybe "The Torture Disco Chamber: Death by Disco" by Cherly KaCherly, which isn't really disco at all? More downtempo than I'd like, but quirky and wouldn't compete too much with a voiceover except for the high-pitched dings, unless those can be toned down...?

Or maybe "Vibe Ace" by Kevin MacLeod, whose name I've seen before in the credits of other people's videos? Light, cheery, easy on the ears; could work.

I like the first and third best, but IDK really; I'm not married to jazz, and I'd want to go through, um, everything. I only looked at jazz tracks under two minutes long to start, and technically I didn't have time to do that. >.>


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