Subject: Archy and orcy
Posted on: 2022-02-12 17:28:07 UTC

I'm really looking forward to finding out when (if???) the [BEEEEP] shows up. I almost want to skip ahead! ... almost.

On the same score, I have a feeling Architeuthis actually worked it into her backstory herself. Didn't her first mission start with "and then they sent back a recruitment form"? Again... I'll find out soon enough.

I don't think Jay and Acacia ate the Suvian. There's mention of "a few orcs... enjoying a surprise dinner". That said... isn't "water" on the PPC substance menu, meaning just Suvian blood? I... hmm, it looks like the Substance List first appears too late for the preliminary PPC+20 list (it's attested from November 2003), but yes, it lists two different Suvian-based products. You can be allergic to glitter (lowercase g), but no other issues are noted.


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